Company information
Odvetniki Šelih & partnerji, o.p., d.o.o.
T: +386 1 300 76 50
F: +386 1 433 70 98
Seat: Komenskega ulica 36, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Registration court: Okrožno sodišče v Ljubljani
Entry no.: 14141700
Identification no.: 2074311000
VAT ID no.: SI81973403
Share capital: EUR 1,064,497.82 EUR
The company Odvetniki Šelih & partnerji, o.p., d.o.o. is registered with the court register of the District Court in Ljubljana under registration number 2074311000 and with the directory of attorneys-at- law of the Bar Association of Slovenia.
The company is identified for the purposes of value added tax under identification number SI81973403 with the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Tax Office Ljubljana.
Professional rules applicable to attorneys-at- law and law firms are accessible at the web page of the Slovenian Bar Association: