Lease of office buildings and business premises in the future
Authors: Nino Bostič Sluga, Blaž Ogorevc On 19 June 2021, the Act amending the Housing Act (Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Stanovanjskega zakona; SZ-1E) entered into force. Although SZ-1E predominately – as one can expect – regulates its principal legal field of private housing, it …
Authors: Darja Miklavčič, Karin Dodič On 15 October 2020, the Slovenian Parliament adopted the Interim Measures for Mitigation and Elimination of Consequences of COVID-19 Act (ZZUOOP) or the so-called Fifth COVID-19 Act (hereinafter: “Fifth COVID-19 Act”). This is the fifth package of measures carried out …
The uncertain fate of the intervention measures in the field of construction law
Authors: Kaja Baškovič, Miha Štravs In recent months, the Slovenian Parliament adopted several so-called intervention acts that imposed temporary measures in various areas, one of which is the construction legislation (e.g. regarding the position of accessory participants, the start of construction and the status of …
Intervention measures to encourage significant investments after the COVID-19 epidemic
Authors: Maruša Polak, Miha Hočevar, Nataša Pipan Nahtigal On 29 May 2020, the Slovenian Parliament adopted the Intervention Act to Remove Obstacles to the Implementation of Significant Investments to Start the Economy After the COVID-19 Epidemic (hereinafter “Act”). Its purpose is to accelerate kick-start of …
New amendments to the COVID-19 intervention measures – an important step in stimulating construction investments?
Author: Blaž Ogorevc On 28 April 2020, the Slovenian Parliament adopted an amendment of certain parts of the Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Contain the COVID-19 Epidemic and Mitigate its Consequences for Citizens and the Economy. The amendment, which came into force on 1 May 2020, …
We know that the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is presenting many challenges for the companies, and we are here to help in any way we can. Our lawyers are therefore regularly monitoring the developments and sharing information on issues related to COVID-19 that may be helpful. …
Amendment to the Slovenian Property Code – will the management of property under co-ownership be easier from now on?
On 20 June 2019, the Slovenian Ministry of Justice published a bill amending and supplementing the Slovenian Law of Property Code (the “Code”). Article 3 of the Bill adds a new sixth paragraph to the Code’s existing Article 67, which reads as follows: “(6) Co-owners …