A step towards the digitalisation of court operations?
Author: Žiga Novak The Slovenian Civil Procedure Act (ZPP) and Criminal Procedure Act (ZKP) have provided some possibilities for electronic operations between parties or their representatives and the courts for some time. However, given the rapid technological development of today’s society, the electronic operations have …
Temporary suspension of deadlines determined by law for exercising the parties’ rights in court proceedings
Author: Žiga Novak On 19 November 2020, the Slovenian Government, on the proposal of the President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, adopted a Decision on temporary suspension of running of deadlines determined by law for exercising the parties’ rights in judicial …
Mandatory main hearing in administrative dispute
Author: Žiga Novak On 26 September 2020, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia (“Supreme Court”) adopted its decision no. X Ips 22/2020, in which it took the viewpoint that a main hearing, on which points of law and facts of the case will …
New order of the President of the Supreme Court on special measures in judicial matters
Authors: Helena Butolen, Lenart Kmetič On 4 May 2020, the President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia adopted a new Order on special measures (the “Order”), which defines in more detail the gradual release of previously established special measures in relation to …
Amendments of the provisional measures concerning judicial, administrative and other public-law affairs
Authors: Helena Butolen, Lenart Kmetič We have previously reported about the adoption of the Act on Provisional Measures with Respect to Judicial, Administrative and Other Public-Law Affairs for the Control of the Spread of the Contagious Disease SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19) (the “Act on Provisional Measures”) …
Amendment of provisional measures with respect to judicial affairs
On the basis of Article 4 of the Act on Provisional Measures with Respect to Judicial, Administrative and Other Public-Law Affairs for the Control of the Spread of the Contagious Disease SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) (ZZUSUDJZ), on 8 April 2020, the President of the Supreme Court of …
Adopted new provisional measures with respect to judicial affairs
Authors: Helena Butolen, Lenart Kmetič Pursuant to Article 4 of the Act on Provisional Measures with Respect to Judicial, Administrative and Other Public-Law Affairs for the Control of the Spread of the Contagious Disease SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19) (ZZUSUDJZ), the adoption of which was covered in …
We know that the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is presenting many challenges for the companies, and we are here to help in any way we can. Our lawyers are therefore regularly monitoring the developments and sharing information on issues related to COVID-19 that may be helpful. …
Adopted provisional measures with respect to judicial, administrative and other public-law affairs to contain the spread of coronavirus
Following the issuance of the order on special measures, issued by the president of the Supreme Court, temporarily regulating operation of Slovenian courts during the COVID-19 epidemic, on 20 March 2020, the Slovenian Parliament adopted the intervention Act on Provisional Measures with Respect to Judicial, …
In testamentary succession after a stepmother or a stepfather, does the tax exemption of the stepchild last until the death of its parent?
One year ago, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia (“Supreme Court”) by its decision X DoR 55/2018 allowed a revision to be filed due to the question whether the death of the stepchild’s parent results in the termination of the stepchild’s status with …