How Far Does the Employee’s Non-Compete Obligation Extend?
Author: Nino Bostič Sluga One of the essential obligations of an employee towards his employer is that, in view of the nature of the work performed for the employer, the employee refrains from conduct which materially or morally harms or is likely to harm …
First set of novelties to the Employment Relationships Act
Author: Gregor Novljan The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has set a plan to reform the Employment Relationships Act (“ZDR-1”) in two steps. Following negotiations with social partners, employers, and labour unions, they have prepared a proposal for an amendment to ZDR-1 (hereinafter also …
Intervention Measures in the Field of Employment Following the Floods in August 2023
Author: Gregor Novljan On August 9, 2023, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, in response to the floods that affected 179 municipalities, adopted the Act Amending the Natural Disaster Recovery Act (hereinafter referred to as “ZOPNN-F”). ZOPNN-F was published in the Official Gazette …
Employment Relationships and Natural Disasters
Author: Gregor Novljan Last weekend, a powerful weather storm struck Slovenia, leaving behind floods of significant proportions, which caused the destruction of numerous homes, infrastructure, business premises, and other property. The process of mitigating the flood-related damages will impact the availability of a larger number …
Changes Introduced by the Amendment to the Labour and Social Security Registers Act
Author: Maruša Juhant At its session of 21 April 2023, the National Assembly adopted the Act Amending the Labour and Social Security Registers Act (hereinafter: “ZEPDSV-A” or “Amendment“). The Amendment enters into force on 20 May 2023 and shall apply 6 months after its entry …
Workplace Privacy
Author: Primož Jamšek Recently, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia addressed the issue of privacy in the workplace for the first time in its Decision No. Up-1134/18. In the case, the employer had installed a video recording device and a trap with marked …
The Eighth COVID-19 Law adopted: Labour law aspect
Authors: Darja Miklavčič, Karin Dodič On 2 February 2021, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Act on Additional Measures for Mitigation of Consequences of COVID-19 (ZDUOP) or the Eighth COVID-19 package (hereinafter: the “Eighth COVID-19 law”). The Eighth COVID-19 law is …
The proposal of the Seventh COVID-19 Law: Labour law aspect
Authors: Darja Miklavčič, Karin Dodič On 19 December 2020, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the proposal of the Intervention Measures Act to help mitigate the consequences of the second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, i.e. PKP7 (hereinafter: “the Seventh COVID-19 law”) and …
Minimum wage in 2021
Author: Karin Dodič The Minimum Wage Act determines the right to minimum wage, its amount (in gross amount) and the method of its determination and publication. If working full-time with an employer in the Republic of Slovenia, an employee is entitled to payment for work …
Work from home in the future
Author: Sanda Planinc The coronavirus epidemic has profoundly affected work operations and in recent months, and many have shifted their usual working environment at least temporarily to home offices. Our perceptions of modern work structures have changed and numerous employers are preparing for long-term modifications …